ワークショップ 「知にいたる道はいくつか」-仮訳
担当:Stim Morane
開催時間:毎週木曜日 午後2時(SLT/PDT)
課題について:初期の観想者たちが直面した問題はなにか。現在、それとは違う、新しい問題が生まれているか。 (2月26日)
テーマについて:Ways of Knowing Weekly Themes
Stim Morane
RL名はSteven Tainer。科学哲学を修めたのち、チベット仏教哲学に転じ、チベットの師により高等学位を授けられた西洋で最初の学生のひとりとなる。東洋の観想法をチベット、中国、韓国の指導者らから39年にわたり集中的に学んできた。1990年中ごろから国際宗教研究所とバークレー仏教修道院で教授を務めている。教えをうけた師にかわり、「ドラゴンの遊び、時間、空間と知識」をはじめとする仏教、道教に関する本を多数執筆、編纂してきた。キラ研究所のWoKプログラム(www.waysofknowing.net) の編集もしている。
内容について: Ways of Knowing Workshop Explorations
過去ログ: Ways of Knowing Workshop Transcripts
Stim Morane と Pema Pera の対談記録: Ways of Knowing Workshop Dialogues.
Contemplative Practice in Modern Life
What is spiritually-relevant "contemplation" in the modern world? This question invites consideration of other (overlapping) questions:
- Practice--How has the practice of contemplation changed from its traditional and ancient forms? {This point will be considered first, on February 12. For a more detailed summary, see "Week One" below.}
- Theory--What are the main "view" issues that have characterized contemplation from the beginning, and what new perspectives and concerns figure prominently now? (February 19)
- Challenges--What were the challenges faced by early contemplatives, and what new challenges have arisen recently? (February 26)
- Science--How has the emergence of science, with its unique perspectives on methodology and on both the nature of reality and human nature changed the situation? What specific challenges and opportunities does it present to the view and practice of contemplation? (March 5)
Each of our four sessions together will involve structured group discussions on one of the general topics mentioned above. I expect these discussions will guide my development of subsequent Café presentations and more in-depth Kira Institute programs, some of which will be theoretical while others may concentrate on practice-based explorations.
For class themes see Ways of Knowing Weekly Themes
Stim Morane in RL is Steven Tainer. He was originally trained in academia as a philosopher of science and then became one of the first students of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practice in the West, earning an advanced degree from his original Tibetan teacher. He has studied Eastern contemplative traditions intensively for thirty-nine years with many Tibetan, Chinese and Korean masters, and has also served on the faculty of the Institute for World Religions and the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery since the mid-1990's. Working on behalf of his teachers, Steven has written or edited many books on Buddhism and Taoism (including Dragon's Play, and Time, Space, Knowledge), and is the Editor of WoK (www.waysofknowing.net). In Second Life he's known as Stim Morane.
For the weekly explorations for this workshop please see Ways of Knowing Workshop Explorations
For transcripts of past transcript please go to Ways of Knowing Workshop Transcripts
To read more about the series of dialogues between Stim Morane and Pema Pera see Ways of Knowing Workshop Dialogues.
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