担当:Piet Hut, Rob Knop, George Djorgovski, Adam Johnson
開催時間:毎週木曜日 午前6時(SLT/PDT)
場所: MICA auditorium, http://slurl.com/secondlife/StellaNova/23/113/21
まず、Piet Hutと牧野淳教授の共著「Moving Stars Around」(http://www.artcompsci.org/#msa ) という入門書からとりかかります。この本にはバージョンがふたつあります。古いほうはC++で書かれていますが、新しいバージョンでは、Rubyを使用し、詳しい背景説明も加えられました。まず、このテキストをLSL言語に翻訳し、次にリンデンのスクリプト言語に翻訳、それから、オープンシム言語に翻訳する予定です。
N体問題のウィキペディアを作る方法はほかにもあり、「Moving Starts Around」からはじめるというのは、あくまで、提案のひとつです。このワークショップには、試行錯誤の末、恒星力学 wiki (stellar dynamics wiki ) を完成させた実績があります。
[原文] The basic idea is to start a kind of N-body wikipedia, as a group's process. It should be self contained, a place to gather all the basic information that is currently missing from the literature. Up till now, if you want to write a decent N-body code from scratch, you have to somehow catch the oral knowledge that is floating around in the community, most of which has never been written down. We want to change that. One place to start is the open-source introductory text written over the last several years by Piet Hut and Jun Makino, "Moving Stars Around"; see http://www.artcompsci.org/#msa where we give pointers to two versions. The older one is written using C++ and the newer one, with even more detailed background, uses Ruby. We propose to use the basic text, and to translate the (rather short) pieces of code into other languages, starting with LSL, the Linden Scripting Language, and then to move on to OpenSim. There are many ways we can grow a kind of N-body Wikipedia, and starting with "Moving Stars Around" was just one early suggestion. We have created a stellar dynamics wiki where we have started to experiment with various approaches.
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