担当:Gilles Kuhn
開催時間:毎週水曜日 午後2時(SLT/PDT)
Turning 'The Hard Problem' Upside Down & Sideways (Piet Hut、Roger Shepard 共著、1996、J. of Consc. Stud. 3、313-329)
(Explaining Consciousness J. Shear、Cambridge, MA: MIT Press、pp. 305-322. にて再度発表される)
ワークショップ参加者は、前もってこの原稿に目をとおしておくこと。著者のひとり、 Pema Pera (RL:Piet Hut) が最初の講義のゲストスピーカーとなる。
Chalmers, David J. (2004) How can we construct a science of consciousness? In: The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press, Cambridge. Available at http://consc.net/papers/scicon.pdf.
Gilles Kuhn
As the name indicates this workshop will focus on the study of the philosophical problematic. All domains and problems of philosophy can be studied, however the first general theme will be on the good old "mind/body problem" otherwise known as the "hard problem." The specific themes studied will depend on the evolution of the workshop session and debates and generally subjects of interest will arise spontaneously.
The first two seminars will focus on the article Turning 'The Hard Problem' Upside Down & Sideways by Piet Hut and Roger Shepard, 1996, J. of Consc. Stud. 3, 313-329; reprinted in Explaining Consciousness , ed. J. Shear (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 305-322. It is available in his draft version online at http://www.ids.ias.edu/~piet/publ/turning/tuc2.htmll. For uniformity this draft version will be used and participants are encouraged to read the paper beforehand. One of the authors known by his avatar name Pema Pera (Piet Hut) has kindly accepted as the first guest star speaker of this seminar.
Starting Wed. 2009.02.04 the workshop will focus on the paper: Chalmers, David J. (2004) How can we construct a science of consciousness? In: The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press, Cambridge. Available at http://consc.net/papers/scicon.pdf.
This paper is heavily linked to our undergoing discussion so it will be a continuation of it with a supplemental element.
Gilles Kuhn in RL obtained a Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondie (DEA) in philosophy (Master degree) and a DEA in cognitives sciences in France and Belgium. He has also studied political science and human rights and humanitarian international law.
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