ワークショップ「現象学」 -2009年5月以降、休眠中-
担当:Pema Pera
開催時間:毎週金曜日 午後2時(SLT/PDT)
現象学および、その他の哲学の予備知識は必要ありません。まずは、実際に検証し、それを批判的に考察してみます。グループごとにその週のテーマを決め、次のワークショップまでにそれぞれが与えられた課題に取り組みます。各グループごとに、1)結果を報告する、2)その結果を批判的に考察する、3) 次週の課題となる、新しい検証の方法を決める、という進め方をして行きます。
現象学ワークショップのWikiは: http://pheno.wik.is/
現象学ワークショップのMLは: http://groups.google.com/group/kira-phenomenology-workshop
これまでのワークショップの過去ログおよび、Pema Pera (天文物理学者)とGilles Kuhn(認識論学者)のディベートのトランスクリプト:Events Transcripts.
Phenomenology is a term that is used in different ways in different fields of study. In philosophy, it is the name of an approach pioneered by Edmund Husserl in the early 20th century. In science, it is a term that describes the first steps of an investigation of a new field, in terms of charting the basic phenomena, before constructing more detailed theoretical models. Although Husserl earned his living as a philosopher, he could equally well be considered a scientist. In fact, he systematized a kind of phenomenological analysis, based partly on thought experiments, that has been used extensively in science. A classic example is Einstein's derivation of special relativity, in which he systematically imagined and analyzed the phenomena that Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism predicts for high velocities.
Unlike most philosophers, Husserl was not content with theoretical analysis and speculation. Instead, he followed the scientific empirical model where theory and experiment go hand in hand. He introduced an experimental tool, the `epoche', as an approach to investigating phenomena through a systematic suspension of judgment. In contrast to Cartesian doubt, the Husserlian epoche suspends everything: belief, disbelief, doubt, and so on, and by disclosing phenomena as such, made them open to investigation in their own terms. In doing so, he aimed at extending the scientific method to include a broader base from which to start. In addition to the standard scientific empirical method of studying objects and objectifying subjects, Husserl explored ways to study subjects in their own right and the the subject-object relation in a newway. In short, Husserl critically investigated the empirical method of science, thereby enlarging the notion of `empirical' to include all of experience, not only the narrow study of the object pole of experience.
In the Kira Phenomenology Workshop we set out on an exploration of phenomena in every-day life, in the spirit of Husserl. We will take our inspiration from Husserl's approach, but there is no need to read tens of thousands of pages that Husserl wrote in his life; as little reason as there is to read all of Newton's or Kepler's work in order to do research in mechanics. Instead, all participants are encouraged to develop a joint approach, on a basis of peers, building a vocabulary that we will develop together. All our discussions and our findings are published in complete detail on the publicly visible web pages listed below. If you are interested in seeing more of our way of conducting research, please visit our workshops in Second Life, in the Kira Cafe. And if you are seriously interested in participating in our investigations, please ask us to include you in our email group.
This weekly workshop series taking place at 2pm SLT every Friday in the Kira Cafe. No prior knowledge of phenomenology, or any other kind of philosophy required. We will focus on actual exploration and critical reflection, in that order. Each workshop the group collectively comes up with an exploration for the week and between workshops does homework individually, off-line. At each workshop the group members: 1) report their finding 2) critically reflect on these findings; 3) together choose a new form of exploration as the homework for the next week.
The Phenomenology wiki where members submit weekly "lab reports" is publicly readable, so if you would like to see all the reports and workshop transcripts go to:
The Phenomenology group also has a google group for meeting notices and general discussion of lab reports.
To read past transcripts of the Workshops and a series of debates on Phenomenology between Pema Pera (astrophysicist) and Gilles Kuhn (epistemologist) please see Events Transcripts.
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